Our new home |
I would like to thank everyone who has been patient
with the little gym that could CrossFit Dumbo. Our community has grown in the
past few months and looks to continue doing so. I am honored to call each one
of you a friend. As you have heard we have secured our new home at 48 Pearl
Street. The space is ground level (no more stairs!!!) and we will have a
bathroom (no more running down the hall and losing the key!!!) We are looking
to start moving equipment over in the coming weeks. The bathroom has to be
built, and entire facility floor has to be resurfaced. We are looking to do a
soft opening in Mid-April and the Grand Opening on May 1st. We will also adding
a new member to our coaching staff Jan, some of you have met Jan and I know he
will be a great asset to the herd. There will also be more classes added to the
schedule. Now as with any kind of change we must have rules and these rules are
gospel so please when the burpees are being handed out don’t say you weren’t warned
and didn’t know. I will keep you posted with the progress of our new home be
well. (These rules also apply to staff as well as head coaches.)
When possible, be early. Having enough time to
switch shoes and/or clothes will be ideal to keeping our classes on time
and your time here as productive as possible; also give yourself
enough time to change, and do any specialized stretching you may need
prior to the start of class.
Check your ego at the door. Somewhere a high school kid is warming up with your PR.
Negativity will not be tolerated. This is a facility
of awesomeness, not high school drama. Keep that shit far away from
here. Poor attitudes and non-supportive attitudes can be grounds for
termination of contracts. Work hard. Don't drag people down with a bad
attitude. Be optimistic, have fun and push yourself and those around
you to do better.
Your Mom doesn’t work here, so clean up after your
self. Used tape, markers, chalk, band-aids, water bottles and sweaty
clothes all have a place, and its not on the gym floor. Please be
respectful of gym and the resources we provide you with. Please put back
any and all equipment used in warm-ups and/or workouts when the class
has ended.
Your DNA and our Facility. Blood, Sweat, Skin, and
Spit cannot remain on our equipment upon you finishing your training. If
your DNA is on something, make sure to clean and sanitize it.
Bring things to our attention. If you notice that
equipment is broken, lights are out, theirs no toilet paper, bring it to
our attention so we can do something about it.
Go Heavy. The only way to get stronger is to
increase the load overtime. Results are a linear progression. Always
strive to go a little heavier and a little faster. Push your limits
while staying safe. If you don’t know how much weight to use, ask a
coach; don’t cop out and use an ‘easy’ weight.
Scores and Results are Earned. Cheating is lame. Be
honest with everyone else, and be honest with yourself. You know what
full range of motion is, so theirs no excuse for shoddy reps. If
someone calls you out for doing something wrong, listen to them.
Constructive criticism can only help in the long run.
Learn how to count. If you lose count, the next
number is always 1. If you know you have trouble keeping count, ask
someone to count for you. Grab a small whiteboard and marker, or use
sweat-tallies. Take accountability for your work in here. We put a lot
of commitment into your fitness and its important that you do as well.
Come to class. Become consistent. Utilize the fact that you have a coach with you in every class. ASK QUESTIONS, OR ASK FOR HELP. When there’s a group talk at the whiteboard, don’t go and set up your equipment.
Don’t Cherry-pick WODs. Picking and choosing
workouts based on ‘what you want to do’ will almost guarantee plateauing
results. CrossFit is about being well-rounded, not just showing up on
days that you can post a good score. Not recording a score is just as
worse. Accountability is king, be proud of your day’s efforts.
Taking ownership. Be responsible and respectful and
take pride in your gym. Dont let others get away with things that are
bad for them or bad for the gym. Remind people to take their clothes
with them and pick up their water bottles. If you see someone doing
something that you’re pretty sure will hurt them, tell them to cut it
out. We’re all friends here, but sometimes we all need a little kick in
the butt. Real friends don’t let friends look stupid.
Courtesy of our friends at CrossFit 312.
“Today is a perfect day to get organized and in control. I decide what
action I need to take to get things done . . . and I do it! When I focus
on being organized and taking action, I accomplish more, I feel better,
and I take one more step toward my incredible future.”
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