CrossFit Kids is… CrossFit for Kids! We take the same skills and movements and break them down to teach kids as young as age three. CrossFit Kids instructors have a special certification to work with children from ages 3 to 17. The classes are formatted to include a fun, dynamic warm up. In each class we teach a skill set of one of the nine foundational movements; a “WOD," re-enforcing the skill; and finally, each class ends with an exercise game.
This growing age range will benefit from CrossFit movements that encourage bone density development, cross body movements and exercises that involve the vestibular system (rolling, spinning). All of which are instrumental to brain and motor control development.
CrossFit Kids age divisions are based on general motor and social skills. Kids grow and mature differently. Our program is based on skill development and movement analysis. Some kids may be able to move to the next group based on their skills, but not their maturity. Other kids may be mature but not have the skills down quite yet due to a large growth spurt. We try and balance these factors and keep kids close to their peer group. Please feel free tÏo talk with our Coaches/Instructors on what is the best placement for your child.
Preschool Ages 3-5
CrossFit Pre-School is for ages 3-5. This class is structured to teach the CrossFit foundational movements in a fun and exciting class that holds the attention of this busy age group. The class, totaling 20-30 minutes, is broken down into 3-5 minute sections: obstacle course or jumping warm up; skill; WOD; and a game. You would be amazed at the 3 -5 yr olds that can do burpees, push-ups, and climb 15ft ropes!
CrossFit Kids Ages 6-11
This class runs 35 minutes and incorporates all the skills as CrossFit (Olympic lifting, gymnastics, cardiovascular training, agility, speed, and power). Each session is designed to have a fun warm up with agility and some gymnastics; a SKILL in which we emphasize the importance of the movement and its biomechanics; a WOD (workout of the day that will incorporate the SKILL) and end with a fun CrossFit Game! Our instructors are Certified CrossFit Level 1 Adult and CrossFit Kids Instructors.
CrossFit Teens Ages 12-17
This class runs 45-55 minutes and also incorporates all the skills as CrossFit (Olympic lifting, gymnastics, cardiovascular training, agility, speed and power). The SKILLs that are taught in this age emphasize the importance of the full range of movement and how critical proper technique is when applying loads to movements. The WOD (workout of the day that will incorporate the SKILL) and challenging but fun CrossFit games are included! Our instructors are Certified CrossFit Level 1 Adult and CrossFit Kids Instructors.