Winston Killin It With The Pukie Socks |
Level 2
Strength: Overhead Squat Build to a Heavy 3 rep in
12 Minutes
WOD: 4 Rounds
1 min per station, rest 1 min after all 3 stations are complete (start
1. Overhead Squat
2. Row for Cal
3. 5m shuttle + burpee at the end of every 5m’s
Level 1
Skill Builder: Overhead Squat Sets of 5 reps (10)
WOD: 4 rounds 1 min at each station, 1 min rest at
the end of 3
1. Overhead Squat (light - can be empty barbell)
2. Rowing for calories
3. 5m shuttle run
Level 2
Strength: 3-4 Sets (15)
1. Bench Press 8 Reps;
2. Bulgarian Split Squat 8 each leg (with db's or kb's)
WOD: 10 AMRAP (15)
10 KB Clean (5 each arm)
10 KB Swing
10 KB Lunge
100m Run
Level 1
Anaerobic: 200m Run 2
Skill Builder/Strength:
Deadlift 10x - 2020
WOD: AMRAP 6, Rest 3
min, repeat
10 KB Swing
10 Hand Release Push Ups
10 KB Lunge
100m Run
Level 2
Pre Structual: 3x 400m Run, Rest 1min
Srength: Build to a heavy 2 rep Back Squat (15)
WOD: 5min Max Unbroken Double Unders
1st - Break is 5 Air Squats
2nd - Break 5 V-Ups
3rd - Break 5 Burpees, then repeat
Level 1
Pre Skill Structural: 400m Run, Rest 2min 2x
Skill Builder/Strength: Back Squat 5 Sets of 3 Reps 30x1
WOD: 5min Max Jump Rope Passes, Rest 3min, Repeat
Singles or double, every break = 5 Air Squats
Whatever you can do, or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power and magic in it. – Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe
Post time, load, or total reps completed to comments.