of the mechanics class welcome aboard!
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Increased Work Capacity Across

Broad Time, Modal Domains & Age
Increased work capacity: being able to do more work in less time. Power = force x distance / time. The more you can get done (no matter the time or modal domain(s)) in less time…the more powerful you are. The more powerful you are, the fitter you are!
Broad time domains: the ability to do work at a high rate of output (power) across any time frame. Literally. High power output short. High power output medium. Moderate to high power output long. What we are after here is the ability to work efficiently and powerfully for whatever duration we are required to do it.
Broad modal domains: the ability to do work at a high rate of output (power) no matter the task. Moving you own bodyweight (gymnastics). Monostructual (running, rowing, swimming, jump rope). Pushing, pulling, pressing, lifting, throwing external load (weightlifting). We want the ability to move significant external load powerfully and efficiently.
And age: whether your 8 or 80, 70 or 17
Develop your heavy deadlifts, heavy squats, heavy presses, heavy cleans and snatches…going for new maxes and PR’s (personal records), you increase your ability to move lighter loads more powerfully and efficiently in the multi-modality, multi-function workouts.
Moving heavy loads makes you stronger and more powerful. Increased power = increased work capacity = higher level of fitness.
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