Wednesday, January 13, 2010


10 Sure-Fire Recovery Methods That Work

As a CrossFitter you know this command well. It is the call to action to another challenging performance. A performance that will deplete and weaken your body as it goes through the physiological stress necessary for the development of fitness.

Did you know that you can start preparing for your next workout as soon as you are done with your workout?

How well you perform on your next workout will depend on how well you recover today. “Recovery maximizes one’s training by making the next workout better by improving the ready state of the body.” (1) So think of it in these terms, once you’re done with your training you are still not done with your training.

According to Hans Seyle, known for his studies of the effects of stress on the body- “The goal is certainly not to avoid stress. Stress is a part of life….(especially when you are training hard). You must first find your optimum stress level and then use your adaptation energy at a rate and in a direction adjusted to the innate structure of your mind and body.” (Selye 1956)

When you put your body through strenuous exercise, it responds to the stress of training by increasing its stress adaptation. Unless you allow for proper rest between training sessions, when the body repairs and strengthens itself, your fitness gains will be diminished due to inadequate recovery. Therefore RECOVERY is your rest phase. Recovery is part of your REST. It will enhance the amount of progress made with each training session, reduce the risk of injury, help deal with minor aches and pains, and allow you to train more intensely, more often, and more regularly.

The recovery process includes many factors ranging from basics such as rest, sleep, nutrition, stretching, supplementation, to the extent of specific methods such as soft tissue therapy. These can be prioritized according to individual needs, or availability of funds. The important factor is to construct a foundation of principles and guidelines on doing the basics and being consistent. As you utilize these to their full potential and/or further specific needs arise, then should you consider investing in the latter.

Following is a list of tips that can help you get the most out of your CrossFit training.

1. Rest - Adequate rest is essential to high level performance and it does’nt cost you anything.
2. Sleep - Sleep may be an athlete’s best performance booster. The average adult needs at least 8 hours of sleep per night. This one is free as well.
3. Nutrition - Your body needs raw materials to repair and restore bodily systems stressed by training. You need to replenish your electrolytes, carbohydrates, protein and fats. Eat real food.
4. Stretching - Consider this as your active rest. Stretching helps to rid the metabolic waste from the muscle tissue in addition to helping to restore your muscles to their normal length.
5. Foam Roll - By using the foam roller you will massage away restrictions and restore muscle function.
6. Ice & Ice Baths - (10 minutes) for lower extremities or ice massage for 5 minutes for any painful areas. Cryotherapy will decrease pain and excessive inflammation in the affected area and thus can help prevent overuse injury. Tip: Oil your skin before applying the ice.
7. Hydrotherapy - Contrast temperature baths/showers are very effective at reducing muscle spasm and decreasing pain. Alternate between 30 seconds of cold water and 2 minutes of hot water. This cycle can be repeated 3 to 4 times. This technique is very effective at increasing blood flow thus facilitating recovery. Do not use this technique if you are suffering from an overuse injury or excessive inflammation.
8. Epsom Salt Bath/ Apple Cider Vinegar - Researchers in nutrition have found that Magnesium Sulfate accelerates the body’s healing time by one-third and creates a higher physical stress envelope. Use 1 cup per 60lb, of body weight (need not exceed 4) in a hot bath tub of water at 104 degree. The water temperature should be hot, but comfortable to soak for 15-20 minutes.
9. Supplementation - “Exercise without supplementation is self-destructive.” (3) You need to resupply after a workout and you need many micro-nutrients for the recovery process. The following are general recommendations.
-Vitamin C-1000 mg.
-Vitamin B-Complex 50 mg.
-Glutamine – 5 grams
-Omega 3 Fish Oil – 5-10 grams.
10. Massage - Massage will increase lymph circulation and reduce inflammation. It will also increase the elasticity of the ligaments and muscles. Overall it has a relaxing effect on the body.

Enjoy these ten timeless recovery techniques that will leave your CrossFit enhanced body ready for more action! Remember – neglecting recovery will increase your chance for injury and prevent you from achieving your absolute human potential.

P.S. Being a couch potato all weekend eating chips & drinking beer is not proper recovery by the way!

(1) CrossFit Journal #29, (2) and (3) Steve Horwitz D.C. Chiropractor

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