Saturday, December 3, 2011


Mr Mcgey don't make me angry you wouldn't like me when I'm angry!

The CrossFit Total is the sum of the best of three attempts at the back squat, the press, and the deadlift, the "three most effective lifts in existence for developing and testing functional strength."

Back squat 1 Rep
Press 1 Rep
Deadlift 1 Rep

Post best of 3 attempts of each and post to comments.


  1. Squat - 245
    Press - 165
    Deadlift - 345

    Total - 755

    Could have gone higher on the squat and the press...but a good baseline.

  2. Belatedly:

    Squat - 255
    Press - 155
    Deadlift - 325

    Total - 735

    All PRs; with better form could have gone heavier on squat and DL, had a no-rep on each for the last attempt.

    According to this makes me "intermediate". Result.
