Saturday, September 8th is the last day to sign up for the WLC |
Hey Everybody,
I want to invite you to do something with me that I’m really
excited about --actually, I could also really use your support, too :)
It’s called the Whole Life Challenge and it’s something that
my gym will be doing every year. It’s an online/in your daily life game where you
practice everything around fitness from eating well, working out, and paying
attention to daily habits every day!
It’s really simple. The rules are really clear from food to
daily activity and stretching. It’s also fun. There’s a blog, forums, an online
scoreboard, and we can do it together!
What’s cool is that each day you give yourself a score
online so you can actually track how you are doing. There’s literally going to
be thousands of people playing all over the world (it’s not just my gym).
It’s not free (it costs $45), but it’s totally worth it. At
the end of it, I swear, you will be a different person!
If you want to know more about it, let me know. If you wanna
sign up, go to
and sign up not as a member of an affiliate, but as my friend.
I’m extremely excited about this!
Last day to register is Saturday, September the 8th .
Warm up
Dynamic warm up
Shoulder, Achilles
Skill Builder
Box jumps
12 Box jumps 24/20
6 Thrusters 95/65
6 Bar facing burpees
Once you replace negative thoughts with positive ones, you'll start having positive results. - Willie Nelson
Post number of rounds completed to comments.