Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Wall ball, Burpees

Welcome to the Herd Chris! Great job on the Wod yesterday guys!

Warm up
800m Rum

Skill Builder
Wall Ball

Metcon (Time cap 30min )
10 Rounds
10 Wall ball 14/20
10 Burpees
Every 2 mins 150ft. Bear crawl

"I know that my attitude is a choice. My happiness is a choice. My enthusiasm, my direction, my goals, my success, my peace of mind, and even my thoughts are all up to me. They are all choices I choose to make. And they are the choices I choose to make every day." 

Post results to comments.


  1. Brutal! I think Coach D thought we might die if we tried to finish it so mercifully cut us off at 30 mins! - 7rds + 6 WB - Kurt

  2. 8 rounds and 700m bear crawl later...

