Saturday, January 28, 2012

Bear Complex


For time
x 5  Bear complex 75#/95#
20 Burpees
x 5 Bear complex
20 Box jumps 20"
x 5 Bear complex
20 Wall ball 14#/20#

"I never let the problems, troubles, or unrest in world we live in, get me down. Every day I keep my focus, work on my goals, and believe in the best outcome in everything I do. I make sure my attitude is always up, look for the bright, and find the good." -- (Give me a "Thumbs Up!" if you agree!) - Shad Helmstetter
Post time to comments.


  1. T's WOD time 12:53 (18#/15"/10#)

  2. 9:12.

    95# for the bear complex.
    15" box.

  3. Chris

    75lbs - Bear Complex
    20" box
    20lb - Wall

    Time - 7:11
