Sunday, February 12, 2012

Da Machine

I feel like a proud father so many PR's from the herd!

Warm up
400m row

Skill Builder/Mobility
Foam roll

Da Machine
15 Burpee's
15 Deadlifts 75/115
15 Burpee's
15 Hang power cleans
15 Burpee's
15 Front squats
15 Burpee's
15 Push jerks
15 Burpee's

Post time to comments.


  1. Metcon time: 16:17

    Week's Paleo score:
    Diet 49 less 3 for those 2 glasses of wine Saturday night (it was worth it to toast Ann properly!) and for one piece of chocolate = 46
    Sleep = 3
    WODs = 2 (Sunday, Wednesday, Thursday, Saturday)
    Total: 51 points

  2. Chris:

    Da Machine - 11:32 - used 95lbs because I just finished the Total.

  3. Paleo points for Sunday 2/5- Saturday 2/11
    Diet: 42 points
    WOD: 1 point for Saturday's WOD
    Total:43 points

  4. Jim S:

    Diet: 38
    Sleep: 5
    CF: 2
    Drinks: -5
    TOTAL: 40pts
