Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Run, Box jumps, Wall ball

Way to go athletes 1 down 4 to go!

Warm up
Jump rope 3 min.
10 Push ups
10 Sit ups
10 Overhead squats
10 Back Extensions

Skill Builder/Mobility
Hip & Shoulder Mob.

Five RFT
Run 400m
30 box jump, 24"
30 Wall ball shots,  14#/20#

"I have been given the incredible gift of being me. So I choose to live up to the promise only I can fulfill. I have so much to discover, and so much to live; so much to offer, and so much to give. And every day I choose to live up to my best, and become the me I have chosen to be." 
 Post time to comments.


  1. Chris:
    3 rounds of KELLY - 24:54

    2 rounds of KELLY - 22:00

    Each of us did 1 extra 400 meter run.
