Monday, March 26, 2012


 Jim and Kurt rowing there asses off!

“I never allow other people's doubts, criticism, or lack of vision, to stand in my way. I choose, instead, to set my own course, follow my own path, believe in myself, have my own vision . . . and make every day an incredible day!”

Post thoughts to comments.


  1. Workout: 20 Burpess
    30 Double Unders
    40 K/B Swings (53 lbs)
    50 Ab Mat Situps
    40 K/B Swings
    30 Double Unders
    20 Burpees

    Time: 13:03

  2. Jason B - 18m 26s.

    I need to up my double under skill.

    Also...I am beat.

    Great work Courtney and Julio.

  3. 1 max rep push press - 175lb; averaged 47secs on the 6x250m rows w/ 3min recovery - Kurt
